WordPress Statistics 2025: Market Share, Usage & Popularity Facts

WordPress Statistics

If you are someone who is thinking about diving into the world of WordPress, but you’re not too sure where to begin, we think that this article is a good place to start.

Here is what we believe to be the best list out there of some of the most fascinating and interesting statistics around WordPress.

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Key WordPress Statistics 2025

  • Over 75 million active websites used WordPress in 2018
  • 35% of websites around the world use WordPress
  • Over 50,000 websites are developed using WordPress every day
  • More than 409 million people visit a WordPress page every month
  • WordPress powers 30% of online shops
  • Users publish to WordPress sites in more than 120 languages

Interesting WordPress Statistics 2025

35% of the Internet Uses WordPress

This might be hard to believe, but this is because it’s our number one WordPress statistic.

The reason why 35% of the internet is powered by WordPress is that it is a diverse, versatile software that can’t really be compared. This means that approximately 455 million websites use WordPress.

There Are 70 Million New Posts Each Month

WordPress Content post

On WordPress websites, you will find 70 million new pieces of content and 77 million new comments every month. This is one of those WordPress statistics you’re not going to forget anytime soon.

WordPress Receives More Than 400 Billion Spam Messages a Month

487 billion, to be exact. The spam that is associated with WordPress has grown exponentially over the last few years, but the good news is that they are able to ward off 99.9% of it.

There Are More Than 1.1 Million New WordPress Domains Every Six Months

WordPress Domains

This is mainly because its users love the convenience of the software, and it makes it really easy for them to establish an online presence without having to do too much of the work themselves.

These days, that number is a lot more than a million.

WordPress is Looked up 2,940,000 Times a Month

This is one of those WordPress statistics that really stands out.

The fact that people search WordPress on Google and other search engines almost 3 million times a month says a lot about the software and its current reputation.

WordPress Dominates SERP with Google

WordPress is one of the most-searched topics in the world, with 2.28 billion hits.

WordPress is the Most Used CMS


This means that WordPress’ market share is 61.8%, with the next company in line being Joomla, but it only has 4.7%.

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WordPress Allows for 196 Languages

You can use WordPress in more than 196 languages. This is one of those WordPress statistics that’s really helpful, especially if you’re wondering whether you can translate the website into your language.

WordPress gets visited more times a month than Twitter.

WordPress Has Far Fewer Employees than Amazon

If you thought that this WordPress statistic was going to be able how big of a company WordPress is, you’d be wrong. In fact, WordPress has more than 500 times fewer employees than Amazon.

A New Post is Made Every 27 Seconds on WordPress

If you notice what bloggers are doing on WordPress, you will discover that they create a new post every 27 seconds.

English is Used with 71% of WordPress Content


Despite WordPress being available in so many different languages, English accounts for 71% of WordPress activity.

The Average Developer for WordPress Makes $51,000

This is a great WordPress statistic to keep in mind if you plan on working for WordPress one day.

WordPress Offers More Than 54,000 Free Plugins

WordPress Plugins

There is talk in the industry over whether WordPress should reduce this number, based on which ones actually get used, and which ones don’t.

WordPress’ 5.3 Version Has Been Downloaded More Than 7 Million Times

This is the latest version of WordPress, and this WordPress statistic shows that it’s still just as popular now as it ever was.

More Than 1000 WordCamps Have Been Organized so Far

These are conferences around WordPress. The first one took place in San Francisco in 2006, and since then there has been more than one thousand around the world.

Only a Third of WordPress Installations are up to Date

WordPress Installations

Of course, WordPress is always supposedly working on updates, but only a third of their installations are currently up to date. This means that their clients aren’t updating their version of WordPress.

WordPress is Used with 30% of the Top 1000 Sites

This WordPress statistic might not impress you initially, but it will when you realize that most big websites can just use their own software.

WordPress Covers 90% of Google Crawling Issues

This means that sites that have been built with WordPress are able to rank better in search results.

One WordPress Theme Has Made More Than 12 Million Dollars

WordPress Theme

One of the most popular WordPress themes has made more than 12 million dollars in revenue, and it is called Avada. It will cost you $59.

WordPress Was Used by More than 75 Million Active Websites in 2018

As you’ve probably been able to guess already, this number has increased exponentially over the last four years, but what’s pretty surprising about this word press to stick is that the majority of these websites are newspaper, educational, or government websites.

This means that they are quite different from WordPress is typical reputation of being a blogging platform.

These websites include the New York Times company, the Wall Street Journal, Walt Disney come out and many more.

35.6% of Active Sites Run on Word Press

WordPress statistics indicate that as of 2020, more than 35% of all active websites on the Internet used WordPress to run.

WordPress might have been relatively unknown when it first got started, but these days, it dominates when it comes to websites.

The freedom of versatility of WordPress means that it offers its users features that are unmatched, and this clearly shows.

The best part is that you don’t even require any particular skills in order to develop your WordPress site.

Whether it is a company website or a personal blog, WordPress is going to make it really easy for you to get up and running.

WordPress Had 62.4% of The CMS Market Share in 2020

Thanks to WordPress working hard and developing a number of different plugins and hosting services, it will come as no surprise that WordPress statistics indicate that it has 62.4% of the market share.

WordPress Helps Develop 50,000 New Websites Each Day

This WordPress statistic highlights not only the prevalence of the Internet, but how popular WordPress is when it comes to being a hosting platform for websites.

As you can see, the vast majority of websites that get developed every day consider WordPress to be their go-to hosting platform.

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People Publish on WordPress in More than 120 Languages

We’ve already talked about how many languages WordPress is available in, but what you might find interesting as well is that there are more than 120 languages that people tend to publish on WordPress in.

71% of people publish in English, while 4.7% publish in Spanish, 2.4% publish in Indonesian, and then 2.3% publish in Brazil.

As you can see from these WordPress statistics, the majority of bloggers still write in English. However, more and more people are choosing to write in different languages.

409 Million People Visit WordPress Pages Every Month

According to WordPress statistics, there are more than 400 million people that visit WordPress pages every month.

Again, mind-blowing statistics like this highlight the prevalence of WordPress in the website hosting sphere.

WordPress Receives More Unique Visitors than Twitter

WordPress statistics indicate that WordPress websites get more than 163 million unique visitors a month.

Compare this to Twitter, which gets just 156 million unique visitors per month. At this point, it is probably worth talking about the distinction between wordpress.com, and wordpress.org.

The biggest difference is in the hosting. WordPress.org promotes software that you need to host yourself.

This means that you get more freedom when it comes to being able to customize your website with themes and plugins. You can even customize the back-end code if you want.

On the other hand, wordpress.com is going to manage, host, and basically do all of the work on their end for you.

Just keep in mind that if you want to use more than 3 gigabytes of space, you will need to pay for this privilege and if you want to build a WordPress site that is ad free, you will have to pay for this as well.

Most people think that upgrading is essential, especially if you are serious about blogging.

WordPress Has More than 4 Million Active Shops

Ecommerce is a big part of WordPress world these days, and according to WordPress statistics, there are more than four million active shops on WordPress sites.

This indicates that WordPress has the plugins and themes that you need to run a successful shop online.

WordPress Is Used by 30% of All Shops Online

WordPress statistics indicate that 30% of all shops online use WordPress to host their website. This means that WordPress is no longer the blogging platform that it once was.

It has managed to infiltrate the e-commerce world, and we think that they have been pretty successful with it.

WordPress Blocks 7.5 Million Spam Comments an Hour

WordPress statistics will indicate that it is not all sunshine and rainbows when it comes to hosting a website online in general.

As you can see from this statistic, there are a lot of bots, that are more than willing to leave spam comments on your website, which is going to affect your social proof.

The good news is that WordPress has plugins that can help you block these spam comments, and as you can see from this number, you’re definitely going to need it.

There Are More than 10,000 Themes Available for WordPress

If you’re wondering how your website is going to stand out from others, then you definitely need to make the most of WordPress.

The fact that they have more than 10,000 themes available for their clients means that you can definitely customize your website, and make it look as unique as possible.

When you are developing your website, you can browse through a long list of WordPress themes, and we think that there is a good chance that you’re going to find one that fits your style perfectly.

Of course, some WordPress themes are more popular than others.

Final Thoughts

We hope that you have found our WordPress statistics for 2025 fun and fascinating.

The bottom line is that WordPress is a helpful, practical tool that can be used for all kinds of different websites, allowing clients everywhere to get their dream site off the ground without having to do too much of the legwork on their end.

Check it out today!


WhoIsHostingThisW3TechsExpanded Ramblings
Who Is Hosting ThisW3TechsExpanded Ramblings
Charlie has been building WordPress themes, reviewing web hosts and utilizing social media since their respective inceptions.

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