WordPress SEO: A Practical Guide for Beginners

WordPress SEO: A Practical Guide for Beginner

Too many startups are wondering what WordPress Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is about.

Many more are looking for a definitive guide to help a beginner walk through the SEO basics. Learning each phase of WordPress SEO processes is essential in maintaining building up the visibility of a website.

The factors affecting the presence and ranking of the site must be revealed.

This is the only way a beginning businessman understands the workaround of search engines and WordPress optimization.

The purpose of creating a website is for people to find out what you do or what you have to offer. Businesses get more traffic when it is SEO-optimized.

The world has gone dependent on online convenience and functionality. Remember that having a website that is not optimized is like not having a website at all.

Here’s a WordPress SEO practical guide for beginners.

Enable Visibility Settings

Make sure your website is not hidden from the search engines. WordPress gives the designer an option to hide or make your website visible.

You keep your website hidden while you are still working on it. If you are not ready to launch yet, you keep it at that stage.

Once done, never forget to switch and enable your website visibility settings, so crawlers and indexes can find and suggest it during searches. If a website is not visible to others, no one will find the information the writer worked so hard to produce. 

Companies that rely on clients searching for and finding their products or services would have to be visible and easy to find online. The more visible a website is, the more sales it could generate through converting viewers to paying customers.

Structure An SEO-Friendly URL

SEO-Friendly URL

The context of your website must be present in your URL. That makes your website SEO-friendly.

This means that an important keyword is available so it will have high chances of being ranked on top whenever a similar search takes place.

Some random characters that are almost non-readable cannot be considered SEO-friendly. Do some research to find the characters not to use as well as the best keywords to include instead. Clients prefer a short, easy-to-read URL that leads them straight to the information they seek.

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If you have it done with vital keywords on it, you enhance the possibility of ranking the website higher? After you have structured your URL, always save the changes.

Create a Sitemap Using a Plugin

Coming up with an XML sitemap to make the search engines aware of crawlable web pages in your website is ideal.

It plays a major role in making Google see through your content. All in One SEO is one way of creating a sitemap.

Install it and activate it so you can start working on a powerful tool to get you started and maximize the potential your website has in terms of WordPress SEO.

This helps maximize what the website can offer.

Choose Between www or HTTPS

www or HTTPS

You might be wondering what the difference is between www and HTTPS among websites. You had the option to choose between the two when you were deciding over your website URL.

This web address offers a secure site as Google will actually penalize a non-adherent website.

Go through the General Settings and fill out the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) fields to complete the process.

Add Website to Search Console

Backend analytics is essential in monitoring where your website is heading towards.

Understanding your position in Google ranking will help you input further efforts. See which part you are having low crawls or indexes with. Improve portions where you are scoring low.

This is your chance of having a visual of your website’s progress, considering ranking is the name of the game.

Backlink On-page and Off-page SEO


Determine the difference between On-page and Off-page SEO and dive deeper into the aid backlinking does to your website. A company like linkflow.ai with in-depth knowledge of SEO links can give more insight into this topic.

On-page SEO works like advertisements and referrals from one of your pages to another, without leaving your website. Adding links to relevant content could support the message the writer is trying to convey while strengthening the page search results.This is where everything that can be consumed on the website is present. Off-page SEO is where websites build their links, the link-building aspect.

Strategize Content

If you can maintain a content calendar and supply it with posts on a regular basis, you are doing strategic content creation.

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Your website will appear boring if you settle for one and the same content style. Clients are constantly searching for new and innovative ways to do things, products that will change their lives for the better, or the most informative pieces about their chosen topic.

While you maintain the brand and the identification of your website, be creative on the part where you can become conversational and informative, instead of having longtail words intertwined but are all nonsense.

Optimize Graphics and Videos


Avoid heavy files which can sacrifice your website’s loading speed. Curate images and videos to make them relevant to the text content.

Interesting visuals encourage and invite prospect leads. When your images are taken from the internet, never fail to give credit to the original owner. Posting anything, including images, without their consent could land the creator in hot water with authorities, especially if the images are copyrighted.

There are free stock images that you can use but you still need to be careful when using them within your website.

Add Categories and Tags

Organize the content on your website using categories and tags. This will help the search engine crawlers to reach your pages and present them to random searches.

Start from the major topics, then the minor topics, and down to the keywords.

Tags are like hashtags used in Instagram, where any time someone searches for a certain word if you have it hashtagged, it gets directed to your page.

Use Meta Description

Meta Description

Short snippets of HTML tags containing around 155 characters are called meta descriptions.

This is a summary of your long content, and it gives users a hint of what they will likely read about on your website.

It also increases the chance of your website being visited as it shows a preview of what is inside. The meta description is crucial for hooking and reeling in readers because when they like what they see at first glance, they will click to read more.

Now, your task is to make an effective meta description as it ensures visitors to the website.  

Charlie has been building WordPress themes, reviewing web hosts and utilizing social media since their respective inceptions.

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