4 Tips for Creating a Product Experience Strategy That Drives Sales


 What does it take to sell a product? Some people would say it’s marketing. And indeed, good marketing is important, but nothing will draw in customers more than a great product experience. 

This is a term used to describe how a consumer feels when they use a product and what kind of impression it leaves on them. Just as it takes work to learn how to create an extraordinary customer experience, some effort is necessary to master product experience and create an amazing strategy around it – and here is how to do it.

Make Sure Everyone Understands Product Experience

The concept of product experience is still relatively new to most businesses and when you’re creating a product experience strategy, you need to communicate with your team.

The entire company should understand what you’re trying to do, why, and what methods you’re going to use. Explain the basic concept and definition of product experience, how you’re planning to achieve it, and all the different metrics you’re going to use to measure the success of your strategy.

Once you’re sure everyone is on the same page, you can take a look at your current product experiences to spot all of its benefits and flaws. Even if you didn’t have a product strategy before, your product experience still has some upsides you should expand on.

Educate Your Customers

Every product has its benefits and features that address customers’ pain points. However, not all businesses know how to properly explain those benefits and features, so their products don’t get the right attention.

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A big part of a good product experience strategy is educating your customers and showing them why your product is the solution to the problems they’ve been dealing with. Of course, the education you provide will differ based on whether you sell products or services. But regardless of what you sell, most of the educative content you create should be on your website.

Today’s consumers like to get as much information as possible from the internet and 70% of customers prefer to use a company’s website to get answers to their questions rather than use phone or email.

Every time a potential customer has a question about one of your products or simply wants to learn more, they will go straight to your website. And if they find educational content such as blog posts, answers to FAQs, or a knowledge base, they will understand your product’s value much better.

Look For Feedback From All Sources

The only way you can be absolutely sure of what your customers think about your product is to listen to what they’re saying. In other words, always listen to the feedback they’re giving you and use it to improve your product.

For most companies, when they want to use customer feedback to improve product experience, they only look at solicited feedback. This is the feedback you get when you directly ask customers what they think of your product, what aspects could be improved, and what works well.

Solicited feedback also comes in the form of customer interviews and surveys. And while there is a lot of value in this type of feedback, there are some drawbacks to it. But the most obvious disadvantage is that sometimes customers don’t express their honest opinions when they provide them to the company.

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That’s why it’s important to pay attention to unsolicited feedback as well. This is a term used to describe customers’ opinions about your products that you didn’t ask for. These are usually found online on rating websites, your social media pages, and various forums.

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Of course, this feedback doesn’t always have to be negative, but customers are 21% more likely to leave a review after a negative experience. If you can find all of the negative reviews and comments, you can pinpoint all of the issues your customers have and find a way to address them.

Measure Your Success

Your strategy will probably require a lot of changes and updates over time and the only way you can see what changes need to be made is to measure your progress. To do this, you can track the following metrics:

  • User path analysis to see how customers understand and accept new features.
  • Churn analysis to understand when customers stop being your customers and figure out why.
  • Retention analysis to determine how long it takes for customers to understand your product’s value.

Final Thoughts

A well-crafted product experience strategy will provide you with benefits such as great customer retention, amazing customer lifetime value, and a significant increase in profit. Creating this strategy won’t be easy, but if you follow the tips you read about here, you will be one step closer.

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