Cartel is a thoroughly modern and minimalist responsive theme designed to showcase your written content and featured images. The homepage showcases a single featured post, either your latest or a sticky post, followCartel is a thoroughly modern and minimalist responsive theme designed to showcase your written content and featured images. The homepage showcases a single featured post, either your latest or a sticky post, followed by a masonry grid of all the latest. The home page also has a dedicated widget area so you can add some highlighted content or call to action there (see the demo for example). For single posts and pages, you have the option of choosing a simple centered layout or the traditional layout with a right-hand sidebar.ed by a masonry grid of all the latest. The home page also has a dedicated widget area so you can add some highlighted content or call to action there (see the demo for example). For single posts and pages, you have the option of choosing a simple centered layout or the traditional layout with a right-hand sidebar.
Cartel is released under a GNU GPL 2.0 license.
I’m confused about how you set a single featured post above the grid. I don’t see that option anywhere.
Hi Chris, this works with the core sticky posts feature in WordPress. Whatever is the most recent post flagged as “sticky” will appear in that featured spot. To make a post featured just go to Posts > All Posts, then click on “Quick edit” for the post you want to make sticky. There you’ll see a check box to “Make this post sticky”. Hope that helps.
Hi Charles and Kris,
I recently had to switch from Cartel as my WooCommerce version 3.5.6 plugin kept expressing “outdated theme”. Another error relating to WooCommerce + PayPal Checkout: there was no option to click “no, I do not want to create an account with PayPal” on mobile checkout, but it worked fine on desktop.
Would love to go back to using Cartel though; really appreciate its minimalism.
I’m wondering if any other Cartel + WooCommerce +PayPal Checkout users might be experiencing the same issue, and if there has been an update since? Would you be able to help please?
Thank you
Hi Dee, thanks for your comment. We’re looking into this now.
I am creting a web and I would like to use the Cartel theme because I love its design.
But I have a problem with font not showing special (Czech, Middle Europe) characters correctly.
Is there a chance you can release a version with a font that can handle all these characters?
?š??ž??? ýáíóéú? ?Š??Ž??? ÝÁÍÓÉÚ?
Thanks ahead for any info.
Best regards
Hello Jonas,
It seems google montserrat font is not compatible with some locale specific characters, please download the new version of Cartel, we remove google fonts and added web generated font. Thank you
I’m currently using Cartel in my wordpress blog. I love the design! Congratulations for it!
I’m having issues with the mobile version though. I’ve added a menu at the top, which shows as a hamburger menu in the mobile version. The links are not displaying neither working properly. Even though I click on different pages, most of the times it stays in the page I’m currently at. Is this a bug?
Hi Jose, we’re investigating now.
Hello Jose, Please update the theme to its latest version. version 1.0.7 is now available. Thank you.
Hello Kris and Charles,
I’ve just updated it and it seems to be working fine! Thank you very much for your quick and useful response!
Hey Charles!
LOVE the theme, though, I’m currently seeing a bug in the grid behavior on the landing page of my site. I suspect is has something to do with the featured image, but want some guidance. Right now all of the posts seem to be sitting on top of each other.
Hi Jennifer, glad you like the theme. We’ll take a look at your site and see if we can spot anyting.
Hello @Jennifer, can I please ask for the link of your site so that I can check the issue? Have you tried to deactivate all the plugins? There might be a script conflict with a plugin being installed in your site. Also please make sure that the Cartel Theme installed in your site is on its latest version.
Thank You!
Hi Kris, Jennifer’s site is
Hello @Jennifer, I tried to replicate your site using the images being loaded and it is working fine. There might be scripts conflict with the plugins being installed, please try to deactivate all the plugins or custom scripts being added in your site and check if the issue still exist. Thank you
Got it.
Thanks Kris! The culprit was the new Gutenberg rich text editor that WordPress has started to support :-/. Just deactivated.
Thanks for letting us know Jennifer. Gutenberg looks to be the future so we’ll need to look into this.
Er well. I’ve been doing some more troubleshooting, and it doesn’t seem to be Gutenberg after all. It’s Jetpack! If you go into settings under the ‘writing’ tab and toggle off ‘Serve images from our global CDN’, it seems to solve the grid problem.
Hi! I recently downloaded ‘Cartel’ (great theme btw!) and I’m trying to replicate how the featured image and thumbnail are treated differently, as in the “Sample Post 5” in the demo. Specifically I’m uploading a picture to use as a featured image which is more vertical than horizontal. I want that original/vertical version to be the thumbnail on the home page where we have the latest posts. On the actual post page itself I want to use a cropped version, that’s more horizontal than vertical.
I start by clicking on “Set featured image”, uploading my original image (the vertical one) and then click on “Edit Image” in the “Attachment Details” box in the upper right.
I select the area I want to crop, click the “Crop” button/icon, click on the radio button “All sizes except thumbnail” then click the “Save” button underneath the newly cropped image.
Upon clicking “Save” it takes me back to the “Featured Image” page and now the only version of my image is the one I cropped. When I click on “Set Featured Image” in the lower right corner to close the window, click on the blue “Update” button in the post edit window the cropped version shows up in both locations, on the post page itself and also on the homepage thumbnail.
Am I doing something wrong? Help?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Nick, actually you are doing too many steps. You don’t need to edit anything. The thumbnail view on the home page (or any archive page) will simply display the complete image, but on the post itself the theme simply displays the image full width and in landscape mode where the crop is right through the middle of the picture. This actually provides you with less flexibility than you are imagining is there I’m afraid. You simply upload a featured image and the theme does the rest. I would recommend setting a featured image that is large enough that it looks ok full width, and is also cropped such that the full width view on the post page crops nicely.