How to setup email in cPanel on Bluehost

How to setup email in cPanel on Bluehost

In this guide you will learn how to setup email for your new domain in cPanel. The example we use in this tutorial, as is also shown in the video, is cPanel with Bluehost for the hosting provider for your domain. Email is pretty simple to set up in Bluehost, so we’ll cover the basics and how to access your email using web mail and configuring your domain’s email to use at home or through another popular service such as Google Apps for Work and Gmail.

Navigating cPanel and locating email portal

You will notice immediately upon login to your cPanel within Bluehost dashboard that contains various settings areas for your hosting account including Mail, Website Builders (CMS/Simple Scripts), Mojo Marketplace (add-ons, tools, templates, scripts, etc.), Domains, File Management, Databases and more. We are only concerned with Mail for this tutorial. Click the envelope icon that says, “Email Accounts.”

Creating accounts

After you are directed to the email setup page from your cPanel, you will be confronted with a screen that contains a form to create a new email address with your selected domain. If you have more than one domain on your hosting account using add-on domains, you may select which domain you would like to use among a drop down list. From this same page, you may also search for email addresses that you have created previously.

Once at this page, simply create the email username without the @yourdomain (it appears in faded gray next to the box to enter the email user. Enter a secure password and confirm it by entering again in the next box on the form. It is recommended that you enter a password that contains at least letters, one number and one character (!@#$%^& or *). You can also use a password generator. Click create and your email account will populate in the area below containing account information.

Access Web mail

There are pros and cons to using web mail for your email. One pro is that you can access it directly from your cPanel dashboard area. Another is that you don’t have to spend the time configuring a mil client, which we’ll discuss in the next section. Simply put, it is the fastest way to get started using your email. The con is that the available web mail interfaces may not be as customizable or user friendly as a mail client or other web mail service that can also be configured for use with your domain. The good news is that you can still configure your email for use with another service or with your mail client at home later.

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From the same screen you used to setup your email accounts you will find a link in the drop down menu labeled “More” next to your email address. Select “Access Web mail.”

The three available options in Bluehost for web mail access are Horde, Roundcube and Squirrel Mail. Each has a different interface. In this video, we setup using Horde. Horde ‘s interface is much like other email interfaces and has similar features such as your typical email 2-column layout with a column on the side for your inbox and folders, menus for contacts, mail preferences and a calendar feature.

Configure Email Client

You might want to access the email from your domain without having to use the interfaces provided through cPanel because you’d rather use an email client that you’ve grown accustomed to using such as Outlook or Mac Mail. In this case you will need to configure some settings to route the mail from your domain to your client. You will need to edit some settings in your client from the info in your cPanel account.

From the same screen you used to setup your email accounts you will find a link in the drop down menu labeled “More” next to your email address. Select “Configure Email Client.”

Once you have done this, you will be directed to another screen that contains information about your domain and email settings that can be used in the mail preferences of your email client, as shown in the video. On this configuration page, you will notice information in two columns and two rows. On the top left, you will find which application coincides with the proper protocol for it on the right column. The two columns in the bottom row refer to SSL (Secure Socket Layers). If you are using this security feature on your site, make note of any settings that need to be applied. Copy these settings over to your mail client preferences, as is shown in the screenshot. In the video the domain is, and in the screenshot we use as the domain.

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Using Web mail

Horde, Squirrel Mail and Roundcube are all set up a little bit differently in terms of layout, design and features but all let you perform basic email functions. In Horde, the example we use in the video, the layout is similar to online mail such as AOL or Gmail. Inbox is located on the left along with virtual inbox and folders. Drop down menus at the top navigate you to tasks, calendar, notes and preferences (indicated by the gear icon). You can set up your email with folders to organize your email. Use the address book to store contact information. Set up appointments and schedules with the calendar.

Using mail client

Once you have set up your client to receive email from your domain email account, you can check email from your home computer or server. You can also use the domain on a network for use in a company or enterprise environment.

Rerouting to another provider

One last option you may want to explore is using another cloud based option like Google Apps for Work, where you can configure your domain to work with Gmail. The benefit is that you can use the features that come along with Google like Drive, Docs, Calendar and others. You will need to enter information from your configuration in MX Entry from your Mail section of cPanel dashboard. You will need to replace entries and port information from Google. There are other tutorials on this topic to help you get started, including information from Google on the web. The drawback to this is that some inboxes will reject these mail servers due to sensitive spam filters in place.

Charlie has been building WordPress themes, reviewing web hosts and utilizing social media since their respective inceptions.

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