

Download Theme

Check out our latest theme, Noteworthy. It’s a magazine style theme with a heavy focus on the featured images, and is heavily inspired by the design of, infact you could call it an homage.

It supports all the usual WP features like custom menus and widgets, and also has a nice reveal/hide search box and some handy social links top of the sidebar. Couple of other things to note about this theme:

  • You must define featured images for your posts if you want an image to display on the home page or archive pages.
  • By default the home page featured article and the list of featured articles just displays the most recent posts, but the theme is coded so that you can define what exactly appears here using the built in sticky posts feature of WordPress. The latest sticky post will be the main feature with the big image while older sticky posts will be list to the right of this. That won’t be to everyone’s taste, but we did it like this because we wanted to be able to control what was featured at the top of the page. The tiled posts will always just be the latest.

UPDATE 12/02/15 – Just updated the theme with much better handling/resizing of thumbnails. Also, we’ve just published our comprehensive guide on how to create a blog (using WordPress of course).

Top Article:  Newsbeat Theme
Charlie has been building WordPress themes, reviewing web hosts and utilizing social media since their respective inceptions.

60 thoughts on “Noteworthy

  1. Hi guys, I really like the theme but I cannot get my images on the front page to be clear, they are all very blurry. I have changed the media resolution to your suggested 400×400, set to crop, made sure images are of high quality (as in the posts), regenned all thumbnails etc etc but it is still not working as you can see ( Please can you help?

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Oliver, Just looking at your latest post and this is the image displaying on the home page: (it’s not 400×400)

      I recommend you set a featured image for each post cropped to 400×400, this will then be used for the home and archive page thumbnails. Hope that helps.

  2. Violeta Tortelly says:

    hello everyone!
    I enjoyed too much the Noteworthy template, and it meets exactly what I was looking for my site. However, I am facing some problems with it, whens it comes to apple. Both as iphones and ipads are happening defects in the layout that I can not solve. About the Iphone, the menu appears on top of the logo, which has been put according to instrctions obtained in this site. About the ipad, when I click it, menu options appear from behind the featured image of the last post. In addition, that same featured image don’t show the title of the post. Could you help me solve this problem? Thank you very much.

    1. Kris says:

      For the problem in Iphone view, download Simple Custom CSS WordPress plugin then go to Appearance -> Custom CSS and add this code,

      @media only screen and (max-width: 499px) {
      #site-heading{width:100%;float:none;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;}

      For the Ipad, can you give me a screenshot about the problem? thanks

  3. Doug Hoppes says:

    I love this theme. Works great. Is there a way to change the red to a different color?

    1. Kris says:

      Yes, you need to create a child theme first then create your custom styles. You can check this tutorial in creating a child theme, How to Create a Child Theme in WordPress

  4. OK, now I am confused. I posted earlier that one of the things I liked about Noteworthy was that the Meta widget only displayed “Log In” and not the RSS feeds and I just noted that this, along with ‘Archives’ is the default when NO OTHER widgets are added to the sidebar. As soon as I add any other widget, the defaults disappear and if I then add back Meta, it is the usual one with 4 selections. What’s happening? And how do I get the simple Meta widget?

    1. Kris says:

      On noteworthy theme folder, open sidebar.php file then on line #51 up to line #65 remove the following codes,

      <aside id="archives" class="widget">
          <h2 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Archives', 'noteworthy' ); ?></h2>
              <?php wp_get_archives( array( 'type' => 'monthly' ) ); ?>

      <aside id="meta" class="widget">
          <h2 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Meta', 'noteworthy' ); ?></h2>
              <?php wp_register(); ?>
              <aside><?php wp_loginout(); ?></aside>
              <?php wp_meta(); ?>

  5. Thanks Kris,
    Added Simple Custom CSS and the code you suggested. Result was ‘flaky’. It would display the submenus briefly, but then ‘auto select’ one of the options and display that page. Could not get control of the selection. No effect on the desktop performance.
    Why couldn’t that code be added to style.css (in a child theme)? Tried adding in Appearance>Editor but that didn’t work.

    1. Kris says:

      Here is an update of the code, you can try and add this to your custom css,
      @media screen and (max-width: 900px) {
      nav[role="navigation"] ul.sub-menu li{display:block;} ul li ul.sub-menu, ul li ul.children {
      left: 20px;
      position: relative;
      top: 0;
      width: 88% !important;
      word-wrap: break-word;
      z-index: 9999;
      nav[role="navigation"], ul{width:200px;}

  6. Using the Noteworthy theme and I like its clean professional look. I may try to add a logo to the header using the suggestion from Chris above.
    Found an interesting problem: the mobile version does NOT display submenus; only the top level. I have an ‘About Us’ menu item which is a link (about-us/#) and there are several subpages below it. They work fine on the desktop but I can’t get to them on the mobile version. I tried making the ‘About Us’ item a real page, but the subpages are still not available. Any ideas?

    1. Kris says:

      Download Simple Custom CSS WordPress plugin then go to Appearance -> Settings and try to add this code, nav[role="navigation"] ul.sub-menu li, nav[role="navigation"] ul.children li{display:block;}

  7. Sam says:

    Hello, I’m having troubles getting the tagline to display. I entered one in, but nothing shows up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Sam, the theme doesn’t use the tagline I’m afraid. You could add this yourself by editing the header.php template, but that would change the layout of the header section and might also require some extra styling.

  8. JAMIR says:

    Hi, Charles,

    Thanks for the awesome work!

    I like this theme and I’m currently developing this one for my simple project.

    My question is, is there a way that the posts will show in the featured section with 400×400 pixels are the Featured category/post only?

    How can I choose which post I need to set as featured posts?

    Thanks and more power to you and yours.


    1. Kris says:

      Featured posts are set using sticky posts. Open up a post you want to feature and on the right hand side, you will see a Publish box. Click edit on the Visibility section and check the box to make the post Sticky and publish it.

      1. JAMIR says:

        Thanks Kris for the prompt reply!

        Sorry for the trouble but I found it after I post my question. LoL!

        My next question is why the copyright is only appearing in the index or homepage. When I go to a single post or pages, there’s no copyright in it?


        1. charles Charles says:

          Hi Jamir, the copyright should appear on all pages, just the credit link appears only the home page. You can see there is some conditional logic in the footer template. You can change this if you want.

          1. Jamir says:

            My next question is how to set the Featured/Sticky post more than 5 items in the list? Thanks!

          2. charles Charles says:

            Hi Jamir, the only practical limit to the number of posts in the featured list is space. If you sticky more than 5 posts they should display.

  9. Rahul says:

    Can you please tell me how to remove home link from header, already site title have a link to index.php. So i want to remove the home menu link.

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Rahul, go to Appearance > Menus and create a custom menu. You can then control exactly what appears in the menu.

  10. @pachecoperal says:

    I have been using Noteworthy for more than a year now and I love it. I wolud like to know if I can add my logo on the header, and if so how?. Thanks you guy for you great work.

    1. Kris says:

      You need to modify a code inside header.php then on line 30, inside a tag(hyperlink) which is this code <?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>, change this to <img height="35" src="insert_logo_link_here" width="170" />.

      1. Tim says:

        Hi, Kris.

        Is there a way to have the theme treat the logo within the header as a dynamic image, i.e. so that the logo resizes to sit within a user’s mobile device?

        1. Kris says:

          Can you give me a link of your website so that I can see how your logo displays in mobile devices. Thanks!

  11. Kari says:

    I am slowly building my site and would like to add some footer “navigation” to include privacy policy etc. How would I go about doing that? I don’t see where to access the footer info to make changes. Excuse my ignorance, still in learning stages:)

    1. Kris says:

      Unfortunately, the theme does not provide footer navigation option. To be able to add footer nav, you need to add some code in footer.php. You can check this link in creating custom nav menu, wp nav menu

  12. Dia says:

    Hi – please help! I was trying to edit the footer on this theme to include a copyright phrase, but Now it gives me this :

    parse error, syntax error!

    Could you please supply me with the correct footer code, as I LOVE this theme. I do not know where to put the word bloginfo back – haha. Pls help urgently.



    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Dia, you can download the theme here: – go to the footer.php file to find the original code.

      If you are making customizations to your templates please be sure to back up first and I also recommend setting up your theme as a Child Theme first so that future updates don’t overwrite your local changes.



  13. alwin rasmijn says:

    I like Noteworthy template, i am using it on, is there a possibility for a quote for minor changes on this template?

    1. Kris says:

      If you want to change something in the theme template files, it is possible.

  14. Paige Conner Totaro says:

    Is it possible to have a dropdown menu at the top of my page? I can’t seem to find a place to make it drop down.

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Paige, you can manage your nav menu under Appearance > Menus and you can nest your links just by click and dragging them in the menu interface. Nested menus will appear as drop downs in the main menu.

  15. Chad says:

    Hi Hike. I’ve set the featured image for my last blog post, but for some reason the home page still shows the image from the previous post. Please help.

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Chad, is this still a problem? I can’t see anything unusual on your site? Maybe it was a local caching issue of some sort?

      1. Chad says:

        I guess not. The featured image from the previous post never did go to the main, headline area. I didn’t have the same issue with my last post, though. I don’t know; was there something about the earlier post that I did wrong?

        1. charles Charles says:

          Hi Chad, I can’t tell from looking at your site. All the posts appear to have a featured image on the home and archive pages as expected. The posts pages themselves don’t use the featured image as we prefer to let users choose what images appear on the post itself.

  16. hike says:

    thank you so much for noteworthy.
    I want to delete sidebar meta widget
    but I could not
    can you help me ?
    thank you

    1. Ryan S says:

      Hi @hike

      Thanks for using our theme

      It’s in Appearance -> Widgets area

      Hope that helps

  17. Ben says:

    Are you planning to develop this more? It already looks good but still not great like USAToday!

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Ben, in all honesty probably not. This is quite an old theme now so we’re unlikely to invest more time in its development other than fixing any bugs etc.

  18. Ivan Sinigaglia says:

    Hi there. Thanky you for the theme. I loved it and it is working fina at I made some changes in html code for a logo and a banner insertion and it is ok. I just want to know if it is possible, even changing html code, to have more than 10 blocks at main page (i think the term is this, sorry for my English).

    1. charles Charles says:

      Yep, got to Settings > Reading and change the number of posts per page. The default is 10, but this number can be anything you like.

  19. Bhishan says:

    I’m currently using Noteworthy theme for my blog. I would want to add a working subscribe button. How can it be done.

    1. Ryan S says:

      Hi @Bhishan,

      Thanks for using our theme

      That can be done by installing Newsletter plugin or if you already have Mailing lists software registered online like, Aweber and Mailchimp you can use the generated HTML code instead.

      If this sounds techie for you, you can contact us [email protected]

      Hope that helps

      1. Bhishan says:

        Thanks 🙂 Just installed newsletter plugin. I have it working now

  20. Manini says:

    Hi Charles,
    Can you please suggest how can i upload a logo for the site in this theme? Couldn’t figure out the option in the theme options. Also is it possible to change the color of the header and the menu on the homepage?

    1. Ryan S says:

      Hi @manini,

      Thanks for using our theme

      Unfortunately the theme didn’t offer logo customisation or theme settings where you can replace logo, second for menu colour try this
      body.home nav[role=navigation] .menu ul li a, nav[role=navigation] .menu #menu-icon{ color: #000; } // change #000 to suit your need

      Hope that helps

  21. Jeff says:

    Yes, thank you for the follow up!

  22. Jeff says:

    I’m trying to add an image widget to my sidebar but nothing appears after I click SAVE. What I’ve done so far:
    -upload a screen capture image (185×55) to the media library
    -retrieved its image URL and put it into the widget
    -designated the above size
    -nothing appears

    please help, thanks!

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Jeff, I see an image in your sidebar so I think you have figured this out yes?

  23. Russell Martin says:

    Is there a way to add the login link to my WP site when using the Noteworthy theme?

    1. charles Charles says:

      Sure is…just add a link to your login page to the sidebar (in a widget) or nav bar (menu). You’ll always find you login here: …/wp-admin/

  24. Jeff says:

    Love the Noteworthy theme. My question is, what is the optimal image size for the “featured image?” Thanks!

    1. Ryan S says:

      Hi @jeff,

      Thanks for using our theme

      The site need at least 400 x 400 pixel in size so more than that size is fine.

      Hope that helps

  25. Keith says:

    Hi, I love the layout and hope to use it for my site. I am having with posts nots showing up on mobile devices. Is there something extra that I need to do? I thought I had everything set up and the posts looked great on a PC / Mac. When I click a link from my iPhone I get “PAGE NOT FOUND” . I’ve asked others to test and they get the same results. I see the web address changes to

    I’m pretty new to this so I hope someone can help!

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Keith, that your site redirects mobiles to suggests that you have some kind of mobile plugin installed? I suggest you look for this and try disabling it. The theme is responsive so technically you don’t need any 3rd party plugins to serve a mobile version, the theme will just adjust the layout to suit small screens.

  26. Joseph says:

    I love you noteworthy theme, but i am a complete novice with websites. I really need help adding my logo to the header? or top of webpage as well as changing some of the sites colors to match my logo. Thanks, I look forward to the help.

    1. Ryan S says:

      Hi @Joseph

      Thanks for using our theme

      This will require some theme customization, beyond the level of support we can provide here in the comments. Also making this change you should be sure to set up your theme as a child theme first so that future theme updates don’t overwrite your local changes. If you would like our help with this please email us at [email protected] and we can provide an estimate.


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