Migrate Your WordPress Site With Migrate Guru

How to migrate wordpress site

There are a number of reasons why you might want to (or rather, need to) migrate your WordPress website from one hosting provider to another. And unless you’ve done it before, there’s a lot that could go wrong with migrating WordPress websites if you’re not careful – after all, it’s more than just copy-pasting your files and database.

With this in mind, in this post, we’ll show you how you can migrate your entire WordPress site to a new host using the Migrate Guru plugin. But before we begin, let’s quickly take a look at what Migrate Guru is and how it can make WordPress migrations a whole lot easier.

What is Migrate Guru and What Does It Do?

Migrate Guru is a free and fully automated WordPress migration plugin that helps you move your website from one host to another. Unlike other migration plugins, Migrate Guru requires little to no input from the user. What’s more is that it performs the entire migration process on its own server which means that there’s practically no chance of your live site crashing accidentally.

Migrate Guru

Migrate Guru is compatible with all web hosts and offers support for WordPress multisite right out of the box. It handles migration for sites of sizes up to 200 GB. In addition to this, it won’t put any kind of overload on your site since the migration process works on their own external servers. Migrate Guru also sends users real-time alerts via email allowing them to track their site’s migration status.

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How to Migrate Your WordPress Site With Migrate Guru

As we briefly mentioned before, Migrate Guru lets you migrate your WordPress site to any host. If you’re migrating to a popular web host (such as SiteGround, GoDaddy, Bluehost, etc.), you can simply select your destination host from the drop-down list. On the other hand, if your destination host isn’t listed, you can migrate your site using either the cPanel or FTP options.

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

  • The destination domain’s cPanel (or FTP) login credentials.
  • The destination server’s IP address.
  • WordPress installed on the destination site.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate by migrating a WordPress website to Bluehost.

Step 1: Install the Migrate Guru Plugin to Your Source Site

Log in to your source site’s WordPress admin panel and navigate to Plugins > Add New. Next, search for Migrate Guru in the WordPress Plugin Directory.

Install Plugin

Once you’ve found the plugin, install and activate it to your website. After the plugin has installed successfully, you’ll automatically be redirected to its main screen.

Step 2: Select Your Destination Web Host

Next, select the web host you’d like to migrate your WordPress website to. If, however, the web host you’re migrating to isn’t listed on the plugin’s home screen, select either the cPanel or FTP option to migrate your site.

Select web host

Step 3: Fill Out the Migrate Guru Form

Finally, fill out the Migrate Guru form to complete the migration process. You’ll be prompted to enter your:

complete form

  • Migrate Guru sends real-time alerts to your email address at different stages of your site’s migration. This allows you to track the migration process.
  • Destination Site URL. This is the URL of the destination website e.g. your-new-site.com, where Migrate Guru will migrate your WordPress website to.
  • Destination Server IP Address. Enter the IP address of your destination site’s server here. You can get this by logging into your destination site’s cPanel account and navigating to the DNS section.
  • cPanel Username. Enter your destination site’s cPanel username here.
  • cPanel Password. Enter your destination site’s cPanel password here.
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Additionally, if either your source site or the destination site is HTTP authenticated (i.e. they begin with https:// instead of http://) then click on the Advanced Options button and enter the login credentials of your source and/or destination site.

advanced options

Once you’re done, click the Migrate button to begin the migration. You’ll be redirected to a screen that allows you to track your site’s migration in real-time. In addition to this, you should also receive an email notifying you that the migration process has begun.



Migrate Guru takes the heavy lifting out of migrating WordPress websites from one host to another. Even if you’re not particularly technically inclined, you’ll be able to migrate your site in no time. Let’s quickly recap the main steps you need to follow to use the free plugin:

  1. Install the Migrate Guru plugin to your source site.
  2. Select the web host you’d like to migrate your WordPress website to.
  3. Fill out the Migrate Guru form and initiate the migration process.

Do you have any questions about how to migrate your WordPress website with Migrate Guru? Let us know by commenting below!

Charlie has been building WordPress themes, reviewing web hosts and utilizing social media since their respective inceptions.

One thought on “Migrate Your WordPress Site With Migrate Guru

  1. Cedi says:

    I just had to migrate my WP site… Wished I would have stumbled upon your article a little sooner! Looks like Migrate Guru could have saved me from a lot of trouble and time…

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