Magazino Theme


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We’re really excited about our latest theme, Magazino. It is a pretty straight forward theme suited to magazine style blogs with a real focus on the imagery on the home page and archive pages. NB: For images to show up on the home page you must set the featured images for each post.

Magazino supports all the usual WordPress features like custom menus and widgets, and we’ve added some features which are often requested, like the ability to upload your own logo in place of the default text based title AND the ability to choose any color scheme you like. Literally you can use the color picker to change the main theme color to anything.

Theme Features:

  • Automatic image resizing and positioning for the slider and grid thumbnails. For each post the theme will first look for a featured image and use that for the slider and grid thumbanils, if there is no featured image it will look for the first image in the post content itself. Which ever image it uses it will automatically resize and position it as best it can for the slider and the grid. These two views have quite different proportions so we recommend you do not crop your featured images for the slider specifically because they will not look great in the grid view. Best just to upload a good sized version of an uncropped image in “regular” photo dimensions. It is impossible to do this perfectly for every image, but this will give the best results.
  • The best way to control what is featured on the home page is to check the sticky post box for those posts you want in the slider.
  • You can control various elements of the theme using the Customize options. Here you can do the following:
    • Choose the primary theme color using the handy color picker.
    • Upload your own logo to replace the standard text title
    • Enter the URL for each of your social profiles. These will appear as icons in the header.
    • Control the behaviour of the home page slider. You can set it to auto-advance, the delay on auto-advance as well as the slide effect (horizontal by default, vertical, tile slides or even a blind effect)
    • To find the customize options login to your site and visit the home page. In the WP Admin menu bar at the top of the page hover over your site name and you’ll see a drop down including “Customize”, choose this option.
    • The default theme language is English. You can also download the lang file in German (thanks to Björn).
Top Article:  BigBlue Theme

If you are new to WordPress you should read our guide to creating your own blog

If you like this theme please help us get the word out but sharing on G+, Facebook and Twitter. Every little mention is much appreciated.

Charlie has been building WordPress themes, reviewing web hosts and utilizing social media since their respective inceptions.

233 thoughts on “Magazino Theme

  1. John Fuhrman says:

    Hi – great theme! love the look of it and the functionality. One customization i’m trying to do is remove the date from the posts. i’ve looked in the index.php, the content.php, the content-single.php and a few other files to see if i can identify where the piece of code is that does this work, but cant seem to find it. any thoughts on how i can do this?

    1. Kris says:

      Open content-single.php, then on line #10 upto line #17, you can remove the following codes,

              printf( __( '<span class="sep">on </span><a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time></a>', 'magazino' ),
              esc_url( get_permalink() ),
              esc_attr( get_the_time() ),
              esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ),
              esc_html( get_the_date() )

  2. Fee says:

    Hi Charles,

    Just wondering if I can add a sidebar into this theme? I checked the widget area and also the pages theme sections, but I don’t see this, sorry if I have completely missed it.

    Thanks for your help.

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Fee, the theme doesn’t have a sidebar in the design. You could add one, but this would require a fair bit of customization to templates and CSS.

      1. Fee says:

        Hi Charles,
        Thanks for letting me know so quickly.

        Kind Regards

  3. Chris says:

    Thanks for this great theme. An earlier post probably got trashed as I inserted some html. So, now without 😉
    I’d like to insert the featured image in the top of the image (full width, above text). All other attached images I would like to have below the post as medium sized, masonry. Preferably without the use of an advanced gallery, but as ‘standard’ for each post.
    Do you have suggestions how to implement both features?

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Chris, the simplest possible solution to achieve this is to simply add your featured image to the top of your post, and then use a plugin like Shareprints to embed a masonry style gallery below the content. You’ll need to use a plugin to display the gallery below in any event and it only takes a couple of clicks to insert the featured image into the post at the top, plus it requires no customization.

  4. Ruben says:

    Hi there,

    I used the option to manually adjust the menu. I made a home page of my own (so not the standard one), but every time I open the site, it starts with the message “nothing found” and only when I then click on “home” in the menu, the right page appears. But I really liked that page when people first enter the site.

    I presume there is a simple solution for this. When people enter the site, they see directly the “home” page.


    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Ruben, go to Settings > Reading and set your new home page as the home page page. With that done you’ll also want to make sure your custom menu links to the home page at the root of the domain rather than …/?page_id=7 – hope that helps.

  5. sabrine says:


    Ive tried resizing but now the photo looks even weirder. I got a resize app on my phone and changed it to 1000×640 and the image just looks incredibly strecthed and even then the slider doesnt show the whole photo, neither does the thumbnail.

    Please help as Im code-illiterate and I really like this theme.

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Sabrine, I don’t know the app you are using for resizing, but I don’t think it is working properly. Here is the latest featured image you’ve set for the slider:

      That definitely isn’t 1000×640 (it’s 622×271). I suggest you try to do you photo resizing on your laptop or desktop. A free and easy way to do this is to use

      One thought, if you are taking pics with your phone and then trying to edit them it is possible that the images are not big enough to start with. You can’t scale a photo to 1000px wide if it is less than that to start with because it will always look grainy. It may be that you need to work through your process for getting larger format imagery for the site.

  6. sabrine says:


    Ive setup a food blog and i want to

    a) have the picture in the slider automatically resize and

    b) have the “featured image” of each post show behind the post name for each thumbnail in the homepage grid.

    Please help!


    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Sabrine, the problem with automatically resizing images is that it seldomn works out quite right. Because uploaded images can be of any dimension they sometimes crop in the wrong place and just don’t look good. For this reason I recommend you always upload a featured image for each post which suits the dimensions of the slider (sim for 1000 x 640). The theme prompts you install a plugin which adds the ability to set a separate featured image to suit the grid layout too so you can be sure they always look good.

      For the titles over the grid that is a theme customization beyond what we can describe here in the comments. If you need professional help with this I recommend Codeable.

  7. Jason Richard says:

    What are the fixed dimensions for the slider and the grid layout?

    1. Kris says:

      Slider Width and Height: (980px by 290px)

      There is no fixed width on the grid layout because it is in percentage. The height is 150px.

  8. Dabo says:

    Hello Charles , hello Kris

    Good Morning Dear Experts ;

    I have to insert a HTML code on this following page .
    whose access is not free . I have to insert the code between and .
    Could you please tell me , where can i find the editor in order to insert the protection code .

    With the new wordpress , impossible to see where the editor is ..

    Thanks for your help .
    Mr Dabo

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Dabo, you can either go to Appearance > Editor in the WP admin console. and there look for the header.php template. Or if you can’t access the online editor there, then you will need to get FTP access to your WordPress installation. Via ftp you will find the header.php file in the …/wp-content/themes/magazino/ directory. Keep in mind you should always set up your theme as a Child theme before you customize it so that any changes are not overwritten when theme updates are issued in the future.

  9. Dabo says:

    Hello Charles , hello Kris

    Good Morning Dear Experts ;

    i start developing a new wordpress website .

    I choose Magazino theme again , one of the most downloaded theme.

    I created a form with Fast secure contact form .

    Could you please tell me what kind of script I have to insert in order to see the datas inserted in the form appeared in the homepage and where to write in the theme ?

    Thanks for your help.

    Best Regards

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Dabo, this question is not a simple question. I don’t think that Fast secure contact form stores data captured in the contact form, instead it simply sends it as an email. You need a function to capture data in the form and then display that on the home page. I think you need something like GravityForms and then some custom coding to display the captured data. That level of customization goes well beyond what we can provide here in the comments. If you need professional help I recommend you try Codeable or Elto for low cost WP development support.

  10. Patrick says:

    I can’t find where I entered the site information that goes on the footer. Where is that?

    1. charles Charles says:

      You’ll need to edit the footer.php file, just be aware that you should set up the theme as a child theme whenever making local changes to the template files as they will be overwritten with any future updates.

      1. Patrick says:

        Hmmm. There is text in the footer that I need to edit, but the footer.php file does not show that text. Where is the actual editable text found. I’ve looked in the css and other files The text says ©

        1. charles Charles says:

          Hi Patrick, that text doesn’t exist anywhere. The footer.php is simply echoing the domain of the site. You can remove that code and replace with anything you like.

          1. Patrick says:

            How does the code echo the domain of the site if I never told it to do that? This is really a complicated way to change the footer info. Here’s the code:
            How do I make it say “©2014 Money Movers, Inc.”

            It seems like it would be simpler to have a place in your customizer to edit the footer text?

          2. charles Charles says:

            Patrick, the approach we take to the footer is very standard, there’s nothing unusual about it. Keep in mind if you are making changes to template files you should first set up the theme as a child theme so that your customizations are not overwritten in the future when theme updates are issued. If you need professional help with this I recommend you try Codeable.

  11. jan says:

    Is there a plugin or mobile responsive version for this Magazino?

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Jane, this theme is responsive.

  12. jan says:

    Is there any way to remove the words saying “Category Archives” which appears in front of each category when I click into the category tab?

    1. Kris says:

      Inside the theme folder, open category.php and then on line #13, you can remove “Category Archives”. But it is advisable to make child theme first and make a copy of category.php iniside your child theme.

  13. liron says:

    Hi Charles,
    I am looking to put a widget shortcode in between the slider and the gridbox. I cant seem to find the location in the location in the code.
    Can you point me to the right page and line ?

    1. Kris says:

      It is located in index.php file, line #114. But it is recommended that you make child theme first and have you own version of that file.

  14. rabin says:

    Awesome theme. Thinking of using it in my blog.

  15. roland says:

    Great theme – thank you.

    I am having an issue where grid images are not displaying – the gray box with article text is the default even though an image has been added to the article to use in the grid. Any ideas what the issue is?

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Roland, setting the featured image for each post should do the trick. When you installed the theme you would have been prompted to install a plugin to enable a secondary featured image for each post. Installing this is a great idea as it will let you set a different featured image for the slider and the grid which are different dimensions so handy to set a different version of the pic to suit each spot.

      1. roland jones says:

        Many thanks Charles. I am never asked to install this plugin when I switch to this theme (or indeed any theme). Will that have anything to do with the fact that I am using Edublogs rather than WordPress directly? Or, is this a plugin that your theme requests specifically? I am wondering whether this is an issue for which I need to contact Edublogs customer support instead?

        1. charles Charles says:

          Hi Roland, theme theme is programmed to prompt people to install the extra plugin when it is installed. Can I ask what version of the theme you are using? And does Edublogs give you access to the theme directory or do they curate the themes you have access to?

          1. Matty says:

            Where do i find this plug in?

          2. charles Charles says:

            Hi Matty, when you install the theme you will see a prompt in the WP admin to install the plugin. If you dismissed this at the time of installing the theme you can just delete the theme form your site and reinstall it and the prompt will be made again.

  16. Conan says:

    Hi im wondering where can i change the white color of the team to a bit more darker color , i know it is in editor but im not sure where.

    Thanks for the help

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Conan, try this how-to video

  17. Johny G says:

    Hello. I am trying to change some of the colors of the theme, and have already found and changed the color codes in the Appearance – Editor section. However, it seems that the “theme color scheme” (which you choose in Appearance – Customize – Colors) is overriding any and all other changes. Is there a way to cancel this override?

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Johny, have you been to Appearance > Customize and tried setting colors there?

      1. Johny G says:

        Hey Charles, yeah, I’m able to select a single color in Appearance > Customize, but what ends up happening is that the one color I choose as the theme color overrides any different color codes that I am trying to use. Essentially, we’re trying to make the social media icon colors a different color than the current/hover menu page color – but the one color we end up choosing in the Appearance > Customize section makes a handful of different things all that same color, regardless of the color codes that are made in Appearance > Editor. Is there a way to cancel this override function that is built into this theme?

        1. charles Charles says:

          Hi Johny, there’s no simple way to do this without pulling apart the CSS and disconnecting it from the customize functions which is a bit beyond the level of support we can provide here. If you need help with this I recommend Codeable or Elto.

  18. Fiona Pepper says:


    I’m having trouble repositioning the images which I have put in the tiles. I have a lot of headshots and at the moment the tiles just have peoples chests appearing. I’m not sure if there is a problem with your edit function in the media section.

    1. Kris says:

      Download Simple Custom CSS wordpress plugin then go to Appearance -> Custom CSS and add this code, .post-box-img img{top:75%;}

  19. Adrian says:

    Hi there,

    How would I go about changing the colours for each social icon?


    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Adrian, I think that sounds like a simple thing, but I would describe it as non-trivial and a bit beyond the scope of support we can provide here in the comments sorry. If you need professional help I suggest trying Codeable or Elto.

  20. Gonzalo says:

    Hi !…
    I love Magazino, but I have a problem…
    thumbnail pictures of each entry are no longer seen in the principal page, only a black box appear … I tried several things and nothing, here is the page …
    Pd. sorry my english

    1. Kris says:

      Make sure Multiple Post Thumbnails wordpress plugin is installed in your site and then make sure secondary featured image is being configured in each post.

      1. Gonzalo says:

        It works!
        muchas gracias !

  21. xy says:

    Hi, a few questions:

    1. I make the grid images the size you say to use but they’re slightly pixelated?

    2. The theme is totally out of whack on Android devices. Can I fix this somehow? (Posts not balanced, images not proper size/crop)

    3. On mobile devices, is there anyway to make the feature posts appear on the homepage?

    4. Is there a way to have the text in the grid show up over the grid images? Or some of the text like the headline?


    1. charles Charles says:
      1. Are you using the secondary featured image plugin? As long as the featured image is cropped to the right relative dimension and is at least as big as the full size grid image it should work pretty well.
      2. Yes, this needs some work. You are welcome to make your own adjustments to the mobile styles, and this is something we’ll be looking at for an update. I can’t promise a timeline on this but it is something I want to adress in a new version.
      3. We took these out actually because we had real trouble getting the slider to work well on mobile. We’ll have another go.
      4. Yes, we’ll look at this too.
  22. Patrick says:

    Hi. We upgraded to Magazine premium last March I think but the slider is not working.

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Patrick, I’m not sure what you mean by upgraded to Magazine Premium. There is no upgrade or premium version of our theme Magazino. Perhaps you are using a different theme?

  23. Adrian says:

    Hi there,

    Great theme, love it! I’m having a problem with a php code that’s been added to my content-single.php file. Basically the image that is supposed to appear from that php code does not show. If you need me to go into more detail, please let me know. Any help will be appreciated~


    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Adrian, yes please go ahead and provide some more details about what you’ve added to the template. Happy to try and help if we can.

      1. Adrian says:

        Thanks for the reply Charles! This is the code that’s given from the “Ads by” plugin:

        I’ve tried disabling my Cache plugin, and still no luck. So i’m not too sure what the problem is. Please bear with me as I’m not too technical when it comes to coding~ :/

        Appreciate it!

        1. Adrian says:

          Not sure if the code appeared in my recent comment.

          1. Adrian says:

            ?php echo dfads( ‘groups=46&return_javascript=1’ ); ?

            Okay, there should be at both ends. Doesn’t seem to appear.

  24. Brent Heber says:

    Hi there, thanks for your ongoing support of this tidy theme
    Can you give a beginner a clue where to edit the stylesheet to increase the font size in posts?

    1. Kris says:

      You can download Simple Custom CSS wordpress plugin and then on Appearance -> Custom CSS, place your CSS code.

  25. Derry says:

    Still in love with this theme – but I’m experiencing a problem when viewing on an HTC One M8. It’s a 1080×1920 display, but I guess the theme senses it’s a mobile and adjusts for that – in landscape mode it’s fine but in portrait it stacks the front page thumbnails one on top of the other, but they only fill half the screen… If you scale an ordinary PC browser window to roughly 337 pixels you can recreate the effect. At about 313 pixels wide the thumbnails fill the screen perfectly, and at about 374 pixels wide two thumbnails are displayed side by side. It’s just that grey area in between! Are there any figures I can tweak to force the icons to fill the width better? Thanks.

    1. Kris says:

      Download Simple Custom CSS wordpress plugin and on Appearance -> Custom CSS, add this CSS code,

      @media only screen and (max-width:399px){[id*="post-"]{width:100%; box-sizing: border-box;}

      1. Derry says:

        Thanks Kris!

  26. k says:

    Hi, I was wondering what the exact dimensions are for the images in the feature slider and the grid. Thanks.

    1. Kris says:

      For the slider: You can have 1044px by 290px (width by height) and for the grid 200px by 150px (width by height).

  27. Jim Hannah says:

    Well, I swapped the theme back to what I had previously been using because of this problem, yes. However, it’s worth mentioning that I did not make any changes after installation, so if that is the problem, then it would seem that it may be better for the default settings to be a non white colour?

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hmm, that is curious because the default theme color isn’t white, it’s green. I’m happy to take a look if you want to try again. Just let me know.

  28. Jim Hannah says:

    Hi, I really like this Theme, and would like to implement it. However, what I am finding is that the social media tiles top right are not displaying. This is a brand new theme installation, I have not changed anything.

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Jim, looks like you’ve swapped out the theme already so this is just an FYI…I think the issue was that you set the primary theme color to white (or close to it). The social media icons are displayed as white icons with a transparent background so they show up as a button in the color selected as primary for the theme. This works fine for any darker colors, but lighter colors (white especially) don’t work so well as the icon isn’t visible against the background. Cheers.

  29. Hi, I am using the Magazino theme for my biographies site. It’s a great theme but I wondered if you could advise on a little tweak? Is it possible to alter the number of characters used in the text on the slider and for the text used when you hover over the grid images. Also, is it possible to pull that text from somewhere other than the first few lines of the post?



    1. Kris says:

      For the number of characters used in the text on the slider, locate index.php in magazino themefolder and on line 100 which is this code snippet,magazino_excerpt(25);, number 25 means number of words so you can change that number.

      For the text used when you hover over the grid images and for pulling text from somewhere other than the first few lines of the post, this is possible but it involves various steps to come up with this. You can use this plugin, Advance Custom Fields in creating a field where you can set the text used when you hover over the grid images and on other areas of the site.

  30. Jonah says:

    My homepage completely disappeared! Any advice on fixing??

    1. Kris says:

      In Settings -> Reading in your wordpress admin, be sure front page displays your latest posts. I went to your website and I think it is already fixed.

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