How to Start a Gaming Blog?

how to start gaming blog

The gaming industry witnessed a huge explosion in the recent decade, entertaining both the young and the old. Advancements made in technology provided a greater section of people to access the internet, and gaming resources. 

The early days of computer games with significantly initial versions of Nintendo and Atari, which made use of pixelated screens, and limited sounds are long gone. As of today’s date, there are more than two billion professional gamers, all across the world, which is approximately 26% of the world population.

As the reach of the lucrative iGaming industry expands dramatically, more and more gaming sites and online casinos appear each year and expand online gambling businesses to attract players. The 2020 statistics record revenue of approximately $155 billion. It is speculated that by 2025, the industry would fetch a huge revenue of $260 billion. Huge tech firms such as Google, Meta (formerly known as FB), and Apple have started investing in this industry’s growth. 

The gaming industry has definitely opened upstreams for the indulgence of fun, as well as for a steady income of youngsters. It is recorded that at least one household, in 75% of the American population, has an expert gamer.

Gaming blogs seem a very interesting pick for the teens and young adults of the era. For some, it might simply be a new passion or career, but for others, gaming blogs appear as a platform to share love and devotion with like-minded people, connected across the world. Furthermore, it also serves as an opportunity to build up a new gaming community and promote gambling activities with people sharing similar interests.

Steps to Start a New Game Blog

Choose the main focus for which the blog is being done.

It is very important to make pointers and jot down the specific focus in the blog. This helps in sorting out the huge information, as well as the FAQs of the people.

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Choose the gaming blog niche. 

It is advisable to take up topics one by one since focussing on too many things at once confuses the new gamers as well as the bloggers. For example, bloggers can give hacks, or gaming tips for easy success in a blog, review gaming merchandise on others, and so on. Common topics for bloggers to get their niche started could be gameplay walkthroughs, in which they can show a demo to play a game or give game reviews, the latest gaming news, etc.

gaming consoe

Choose a reliable blogging platform. 

Though there are several available platforms, both paid, and unpaid, it is advisable, to begin with, a paid platform from the beginning if a blogger is aiming to expand their blog. Free platforms lack customization options, which provides an unprofessional appeal, and in cases of violation of terms there lies a possibility of losing the entire blog. The use of WordPress, along with the hosting platform appears quite useful.

Think about a cool domain name. 

Domain name refers to the name of the blog or the website that will host the blog(URL). But certain things have to be kept in mind to choose the appropriate domain name, such as ‘buying a .com’, which yields internet packets. Any specific niche name should be avoided to allow room for exploration of the topics. Rhetorics such as alliteration and metaphors attract more viewers. Furthermore, if difficulty is faced, opt for a ‘name generation tool’ to help out.

Register for the chosen domain name for hosting the blog. 

Hosting refers to the internet space where video blogs can be viewed. Then, choose the desired theme on the hosting platform. One should always choose a theme that is easily responsive on phones and other electronics, has good ratings and reviews, provides customizable options, etc. Professional bloggers recommend themes like ‘GameZone theme’, Ludos ‘Paradise’, etc as the most convenient ones for new bloggers.

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Necessary pages and logos should be created after the installation of the theme. 

General information such as ‘Contact’, containing personal details of the blogger such as email id, phone number, social media handles. Other necessary info about the blog should be in the ‘Privacy Policy, which should be certified by a professional.


Begin the blogging sessions by creating original content. 

Few options for the initial blogging sessions might include a ‘listicle’ to sort out the contents of the blog, image galleries, tutorials, game reviews, etc to attract the potential audience. 

Start promoting the blog.

Generally, bloggers opt for social media handles for a greater reach. Being a guest blogger for other blogs is also a fairly good tactic to heighten promotional reach. This might also help to monetize the blog. Further, on the application of Google Ads, setting up a trusted e-commerce store, choosing affiliate marketing like Amazon, etc. increase the monetary goals of a blogger.


Blogging, in recent times, is quite a promising career for the esports community. It also sets up stepping stones for being a game influencer. Besides having a steady earning, a game influencer has several benefits like early access to games, attending ‘invite-only gaming conferences’, exclusive access to the latest gaming technology, etc. Use the steps to set up the desired blog, and expand it to reach new goals. 

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