How to Change Instagram Icon in 2025

How to Change Instagram Icon

Like any other applications, social media networks require updates for security, feature updates, or adding fantastic feature options.

And Instagram had updated its application with some incredible hidden options and features to change its icon.

How can you change the Instagram application icon? 

Let’s get into it!

How to Change Instagram Icon on iOS?

Here is how to change Instagram icon on devices with iOS 14,  iPad 14, or higher versions.

  1. Download and install the application Shortcut.
  2. Create a new shortcut using the Shortcuts app by tapping the plus sign (+).
  3. Select the Open App option.
  4. Tap App and select Instagram.
  5. In the upper-right corner, tap the three-dotted lines.
  6. Select Add to Home Screen.
  7. Tap the image icon under the Home Screen Name and Icon to choose the preferred image icon.
  8. Choose a photo you wish to use as an icon for the new shortcut image by selecting one of the options on how or where the picture or icon will come from.
  9. Rename the shortcut “Instagram.”
  10. Tap Add.
  11. Hide the original Instagram application to avoid having two icons for the same app on your device. Simply go to the device’s Home Screen, tap, and hold the original Instagram application, then tap Remove App. Select Remove from Home when the pop-up question, “Remove ‘Instagram’?” appears.

*Note: To remove the shortcut application from the Home Screen, just tap and hold the created icon and select Delete Bookmark. Hit Delete to confirm.

On an Android Device or Tablet

Several applications are available in Google Play that allows you to change application icons for free, one of which is X Icon Changer.

It is ad-supported so that people can use X Icon Changer for free.

  1. Download and install the X Icon Changer application from Google Play.
  2. On the home screen, tap and hold on to a blank spot.
  3. Choose Widgets in the dropdown menu.
  4. Find the X Icon Changer.
  5. Select and hold the icon until the home screen appears. Choose where the icon would go and let the screen go.
  6. Find and choose Instagram from the list of installed applications.
  7. Pick the image you opt to use by browsing tabs where you can take a photo, select an image from the device storage, or from pre-made icon options.
  8. Click OK when you’re done.
  9. Remove the original Instagram icon from the device’s Home Screen by tapping and holding the application and choosing Remove from Home. Or dragging the Instagram app to the trash.
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How to Change Instagram Profile Picture?

Meanwhile, an “icon” could also double for a profile picture on Instagram.

Many people change to friendlier-looking icons on the site to gain more followers.

But for those wanting to have a fast and effective way to increase their followers, you may opt to buy Instagram followers on the link.

Here is a simple guide on how to change Instagram icon using the “Edit Profile” feature:

1. Go to your Instagram profile

2. Tap on the Edit Profile section found at the top center corner of your screen

3. Tap Change Profile Photo

4. Select from your gallery or use your camera to take a photo

5. Tap Done or click the check mark shown on your screen. Your profile picture has been successfully changed.

All About Instagram

image 2


Instagram was developed in the United States in October of 2010. It was an iOS-friendly social media application where people could share photos and videos.

Instagram’s developers Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom observed how the app grew and made an Android version of the app released in April 2012.

Because of its availability to various operating systems, it grew popular. It came to a point where it was witnessed that downloads reached more than one million in less than a day.

The Facebook-owned platform is the most used and trending social media app out there.

Its feature includes posting and sharing photos and videos, messaging, liking and commenting, and story filters. The platform was a hit! And its influence spread like wildfire.

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As the number of users grew, it also became the most influential social media network.

How Many People Use Instagram?

Facebook made a brilliant decision when it offered to buy and pay $1 billion in cash and stock for its fast-growing photo-sharing rival platform just 24 months after it launched.

Statistics show that there are 500 million active Instagram users daily worldwide, while approximately 1 billion active users access the app monthly.

Monthly, Instagram is accessed by 23.92% of the 4.18 billion mobile internet users. And 28.57% of smartphone users worldwide installed the application.

Top Ten Countries with the Most Instagram Users

Here are the top ten countries with the most active users of the platform:

  1. India – 180 million
  2. United States – 170 million
  3. Brazil – 110 million
  4. Indonesia – 93 million
  5. Russia – 61 million
  6. Turkey – 50 million
  7. Japan – 48 million
  8. Mexico – 37 million
  9. United Kingdom – 29 million
  10. Germany – 27 million

4th Worldwide Most Used Social Media Network Platform

Its undeniable how far reached and popular Instagram is. It was ranked 4th most used social media platform across the world while its parent company topped the list.

This is one of the many reasons it attracted marketers and advertisers to boost target audience reach.

Below are the top ten platforms and their active users worldwide.

Platform Active Users

  1. Facebook – 2.853 billion
  2. YouTube – 2.291 billion
  3. WhatsApp – 1.6 billion
  4. Instagram – 1.386 billion
  5. FB Messenger – 1.3 billion
  6. WeChat – 1.242 billion
  7. TikTok – 732 million
  8. QQ – 606 million
  9. Douyin – 600 million
  10. Telegram – 550 million


We hope you enjoyed our article on how to change Instagram icon. There are many ways to do it–some are more complicated to do than others.

It is best to select a guide that works best for you. Meanwhile, an Instagram icon can also mean “profile picture.”

Selecting a new icon can be crucial to one’s ability to attract more followers. 

Select the friendliest-looking one and you are good to go! 

Charlie has been building WordPress themes, reviewing web hosts and utilizing social media since their respective inceptions.

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