13 Best Blog Name Generators (for Podcasts & Domains too!)

The Best Blog and Domain Name Idea Generators

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blog name generator

There are many components that go into creating a good website or blog, but one of the most important – and sometimes overlooked – factors is having a good domain name.

Something that fits well with your business name and purpose, something that’s memorable and not prone to misspelling, and something that taps into your targeted keywords to enhance your SEO efforts.

You can spend hours brainstorming the right business, website, or blog name, but there are some great blog name generators and tools available online to give you a huge range of suitable blog name ideas in a snap.

Blog name generators and podcast name generators are not a new concept, and there are tons available… but not all of them are good.

I wanted to put a bunch to the test and give you the skinny on some of the tools I thought yielded the best results and proved simple to use.

To test the many blog name generators I stumbled across online, I imagined myself to be in the business of selling rock band tee-shirts, looking to target and incorporate the keyword term ‘band tee’ for SEO, and because it would most clearly explain my hypothetical business in a nutshell.

Best Blog Name Generators

Here are the best podcast, domain and blog name generator tools I recommend trying out for yourself.

1. Softwarefindr Name Generator

Softwarefindr Name Generator

The team at Softwarefindr has launched a very clever tool that provides instant podcast, domain, and blog name ideas based on the keywords you enter. These suggestions appear in more or less real-time as you type! Check it out here.

The tool works by combining your chosen keywords with commonly used prefixes and suffixes, and it also uses a thesaurus to suggest similar words and word combinations which really expands the number of options.

Of course, it also checks to see if these are available as domains which is really a key point of such a tool because you need to know the domain is available for any name you choose.

2. Lean Domain Search

Lean Domain Search

WordPress’ parent company Automattic recently acquired Lean Domain Search, and it sets the bar extremely high for all of the other tools on this page.

I plugged ‘band tees’ into Lean Domain Search and was presented 4989 available domain ideas. But the sheer number of suggestions wasn’t the only thing that impressed me.

Using Lean Domain Search, when you select one of the domains suggested, the site double checks the domain is still available, but also checks that the related Twitter name is also available.

For example, when I clicked ‘BandTeesPro.com’ I was shown that @BandTeesPro was available on Twitter. I was also directed to register for the domain with three popular providers, making the task simple.

Another bonus of using Lean Domain Search is that you can browse the list of suggestions on your webpage, or you can copy the entire list of podcast names and blog names generated to your clipboard with the click of a button and paste it into a document to come back to later.

3. Panabee


Panabee stands out from the plethora of ugly blog name generators online thanks largely to its attractive, quirky interface, but it also delivers on functionality.

Using this tool, you’re presented with a list of .coms and international domains (some of which are already taken, meaning you need to click through to see availability) as well as lists of related terms for each of the words plugged into the system.

You’ll also be presented with a brief list of Google AdWords currently targeting those terms (for example, in my testing Panabee displayed a selection of other businesses promoting band tees) to give you an idea of the kind of competition you’ll be facing online.

You can change domain extensions, to .biz, .org and more, and when you click a domain name suggestion and you’re automatically directed to GoDaddy, offering further related suggestions and purchasing options.

4. Domainr


Domainr is slightly different from the other tools I came across, but its twist on the domain generator concept got my attention right away.

Doesn’t offer suggestions for related words and a pile of possible domain name options, but it does offer suggestions for domain extensions that can be used to give you a shorter domain, and a point of difference.

When I plugged ‘bandtees’ into their search field I was presented with a brief list of 13 options, some available and some unavailable, and some including some clever domain extension use I wouldn’t have ordinarily considered, such as

  • Bandte.es
  • bandt.ee/s
  • b.an/dtees

Integrating your domain extension into your name isn’t for everyone, but could be a good option to check out if you’re looking for something a little different – particularly if you’re working in the tech and innovation industries.

5. Name Mesh

Name Mesh

Enter your targeted words and hit search and Name Mesh offers a selection of common short domains, similar domain suggestions, SEO-focused suggestions, fun suggestions, and mix suggestions to help you find a domain name that’s perfect for your business blog or website.

Domains are marked red or green to indicate their availability, and you can hide unavailable domains and set a maximum character length in the settings.

You can also click a domain option to see its social availability on Facebook and Twitter, and turn additional extensions on and off (such as .com, .io, .co, and .net) to give you more or fewer options.

6. Domains Bot

Domains Bot

Domains Bot is simple to use with a clean interface.

Simply enter your keywords and hit the Search button, then further refine your list by allowing or disallowing synonyms for each of your keywords, selecting which TLD extensions to include, your price range, and more.

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You’ll be presented with a list of available and already-registered domains, and information about social availability for each suggestion.

Hit the Buy button next to the suggestion you like and be directed to a list of domain registration providers and prices.

7. Themeisle Blog Name Generator

Themeisle Blog Name Generator

Blog Name Generator is a relatively new tool in the industry, but this certainly doesn’t mean that they are lacking when it comes to their features.

One of the things that stands out to us about this blog name generator is that it has an incredibly easy to use interface, which is going to make the entire process of coming up with the best podcast or blog name super straight forward.

All you have to do is put your seed term in, which is something that describes the kind of blog that you want to develop.

Give it a few seconds, and the generator will come up with a list of unique domain names that are available right now.

8. DomainWheel


DomainWheel is a pretty simple blog name generator tool to use, but it is also really creative.

What we like about it a lot is that it shows you many different domain options that are available, so that you don’t have to start regretting that you didn’t register for your domain earlier.

The first thing that you will do is enter the keyword that you want to be associated with, and then hit the ‘search domain’ button, so that you can get the wheel spinning.

You will get three kinds of results. The first category is going to include top domains, the second category is going to be names that have been generated by the company itself, related to what you put into the search engine.

Lastly, you will get three kinds of suggestions, one for names that sound like your keyword, ones that rhyme, and ones that are just random.

9. Zyro Business Name Generator

Zyro Business Name Generator

Zyro is another excellent choice for a blog name generator that can help you not only come up with an excellent blog name, but a domain name, or even a podcast name.

They first got their start as a website builder helping their clients create beautiful-looking blogs, and the best part is that you didn’t have to do any of the work on your own.

These days, they also offer free tools that can assist you in setting up your blog. One of these is their blog name generator.

We reckon that with these guys you can get some seriously amazing results when it comes to name recommendations.

All you have to do is include the keywords that relate best to your industry.

10. Nameboy


Nameboy is a user-friendly blog name generator that can help you come up with suitable names for your podcast, blog, or domain, based on keywords that you put in.

All you have to do is enter a primary description, and if you want to you can enter a secondary description as well. Then, you can specify if you want it to rhyme, or if you want them to include a hyphen.

Once you have found the name that you want, you just add it to the cart. You also have the option of saving them for later, if you are waiting for domain registration.

They make it super easy for you to add any names to the cart, so that you can quickly purchase them, and protect them in terms of your ownership.

When you create an account with these guys, they can easily help you manage all of your domain names from one account, which we think is super convenient.

11. Wordoid


Wordoid is a super helpful, intelligent blog name generator that can help you choose a high quality name using just 15 letters or less.

All you have to do is enter your keyword, choose the quality level, and choose the language that you want it to be in.

You do have the choice of selecting more than one language.

You can also specify the location of the keywords and your name, and they will come up with a number of different options for you, as well as whether they are available for registration.

The names are going to sound nice and unique, to the point where you most likely aren’t going to find them in a normal dictionary.

The best part is that this blog name generator is free to use, but you will need to sign in.

12. 123finder


123finder can help you by letting you simply click on the question mark to find out who owns the name.

You can also keep track of the date of when that specific domain name expires, and it can also get a list of domain names that are about to be up for sale.

This is a great tool to use if you have found your perfect domain name, but it was already taken, but you’re hoping to be able to use it at some point in the future.

13. Domain It

Domain It

Domain It helps its clients with URL forwarding, which means that you can obtain more than one domain name, that is going to redirect people all to the same site.

This might not be the most conventional approach, but there will be some people that will benefit from this kind of feature, so we definitely suggest that you keep it up your sleeve.

What is a Blog Name Generator?

A generator for blog names is a tool that can help you come up with a nice sounding name for your blog.

The majority of tools out there can help you come up with the right blog name idea based on the keywords that you put in.

You can also check if the domains that connect with the keyword are already taken or not. They will help you register and buy the name that you want for your blog.

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Keyword-Based Names

Let’s begin by talking about the two well-known kinds of blog names: brand-based names vs. keyword names.

When it comes to keyword-based names, the terms that individuals enter into the address bar of a browser while looking for content are referred to as keywords.

If you can find a name that lines up with some of the top keywords in your industry, either exactly or partially both people and search engines can locate your blog a lot easier.

For example, let’s say that your blog is all about food, and you have been trying to get people checking it out for a while.

If you’re blogger with a focus on donuts, your first choice for a blog name might be something like ‘all about donuts’. This means that your domain URL will be ‘www.allaboutdonuts.com’.

However, considering how many people are on the Internet right now trying to achieve the same goals as you, there’s a good chance that this domain name has already been taken.

This is where you might need to consider using a slightly different name for your blog and see if similar keywords related to donuts are available.

You can try using suffixes and prefixes in combination with names that are suggested by the blog name generator to help you come up with variations.

Whatever the niche of your blog, it is important that you are able to talk about it in your domain name.

This is because it helps people associate you with your domain name, which means that keyword-based domain names can really help when it comes to search engines.

However, just bear in mind that there will be names that are similar, but with slight differences within the same industry, so it might be hard to stand out from the crowd, depending on how competitive your industry is.

You may end up becoming too dependent on search engines to drive traffic to your website.

Brand-Based Names

When it comes to brand-based names, blog name generators can also help you come up with coined words. These words can be developed over a period of time into brand names.

This kind of tool is also helpful to use for a domain for your website, as well as a podcast, because it can be difficult to get creative on your own, especially considering how saturated the market is at this point.

If your blog is all about you and your day-to-day life, then you can easily just include your own name and the domain name.

If you have already been selling something, let’s say donuts, in your neighborhood under a name that has become pretty synonymous with your brand, then you can use this as well.

Your name might already have a bit of goodwill attached to it, and you can take advantage of this when it comes to your blog name.

You can also come up with a completely new name, which means that it is a name that doesn’t really mean anything, but it sounds nice when you say it, and it sounds nice when associated with your brand.

Of course, names like this have the potential to grow into big brands, like some of the existing ones we all know and love today like Twitter or Google.

Try using parts of words, syllables, letters, or even initials in the blog name generator to come up with a completely new word.

Developing a brand is difficult work, but it might be better in the long run if you come up with a brand-new word for your podcast, domain, or blog, because at the end of the day, people are going to remember something that is unique and creative over something that is generic.

Brandable Names, or Keyword-Based?

So, if you’re not sure at this point which type of name has more potential – a keyword-based name, or a brand-based name – let’s discuss it a little bit more.

The long and short of it is that if you have a partial match keyword-based domain, this does give you an advantage when it comes to SEO.

However, you do need to make sure that it is backed up by high-quality, relevant content, as well as social media mentions and quality referrals.

Whether you go for a keyword-based name, or a brand-based name for your podcast, blog, or domain, just make sure that it is easy to remember, and easy for people to spell.

Try to avoid names that are strange, and difficult for people to remember when it comes to their spelling.

What’s Next?

So, we have discussed what we believe to be the best blog name generators in the industry right now, and we have also talked a little bit about brand-based names and keyword-based names for your blog, your domain itself, or your podcast.

Now, we suggest that the most thorough way to do research is to try a few of these tools and find which one suits your needs the best.

When it comes to your blog name or podcast name, write down names that you’d like, and then narrow this list down to 5, and share them with people that you trust.

See which one resonates with them the most.

The good news is that when you use a blog name generator like the ones we’ve talked about above, you are bound to either land on the exact one you’re looking for, or get inspiration from various search results, that is going to result in the ultimate blog or podcast name for your industry.

At the end of the day, there are no wrong answers, but there are options and ideas that are going to work better with your brand.

Get a good grasp on how to use the tools above, and you’ll be well on your way to turning your brand into a corporation.

Have a suggestion for a blog name generator or great tool I’ve missed here? Be sure to share it in the comments!

Nikki is a professional freelance writer and story teller with a passion for the web and technology. She writes for WP Dev Shed and amongst a roster of other clients.

40 thoughts on “13 Best Blog Name Generators (for Podcasts & Domains too!)

  1. Johnson says:

    Thanks for sharing the blog name generator, I usually use tools like Name Combiner for unique ideas.


  2. john smith says:

    thanks for sharing very useful content. i have also used a tool https://wordcombinerhub.com/name-combiner/ that is best for creating brand names by combining words.

  3. sovan das says:

    thats what i was actually searching for, thanks very

  4. Tushar Dey says:

    Thanks for sharing such amazing blog name generators. Finding a blog name is really tough work especially for newbies. But blog name generators makes it easy to find new blog name ideas without headache. Seriously this article is really amazing.

    Keep posting such kind of articles!

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