Attorney Theme


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We designed this theme with law firms and attorneys in mind, but it would be great for anyone who wants a simple, elegant and responsive theme for a business site or even a personal blog if you like this style. Check out the demo video…

The theme features a couple of alternative home page layouts, one for static content and another with a slider for the latest posts. The blog also makes use of featured images and we’ve applied styles to all the usual on page elements including image galleries and video embeds.

If you are setting up a new site you will be needing hosting. Check out our WordPress hosting comparisons.

Via the customization menu you can easily upload you own logo, set the theme colors, slider behaviour and select which social media channels you link to.

Home Page Slider Setup

Since releasing this theme we have had some requests for a tutorial on how to set up the home page as on this demo site. Here is a simple step by step which I hope will help those unfamiliar with WordPress through the process…

By default the theme installs with a traditional blog style layout on the home page, but it is quite easy to change this. Here’s how to apply the alternative home page templates:

  1. Login to WP and create a new static page (call it “Home” or something similar), and in the right hand column of the page edit interface you will see an option to select from a drop down list of templates. Select the template you want to apply to the page. These templates are only available to be applied to static pages (not posts). You can choose from the static page template with sliding images and widgets, the latest posts slider with widgets, or the latest posts and plain content template. If you choose the options with the widgets (as in the demo home page) then you can edit the content of the widgets under Appearance > Widgets.
  2. Create another static page called Blog. You don’t need to select any templates or add any content to this, it is just a page that will be assigned as the new blog page.
  3. Once these two pages are created, go to Settings > Reading where you can choose to set a static page as the home page, and another static page to be your blog page. Make these changes and save the updated settings. Now your “Home” page will appear as the sites home and the “Blog” page will be where any posts you write appear. You don’t have to have a blog, but this is where the posts go if you do write them.
Top Article:  A Guide to WordPress Theme Frameworks (And Why You Should Use Them)

A couple of additional notes about images…

  • If you choose the home page template which uses static page content then you must embed a regular WordPress gallery of images in the homepage content and the template will use these in the slider. How good your images look will depend alot on the quality of the images you upload. Crop your images to 1000 x 640 and they’ll work well.
  • If you choose either of the home page templates which slide the latest posts then the images will be the images you set as “featured” for each of those posts. The featured image for each post is also what is used on the blog page itself.

This demo site was set up with a completely standard install of WordPress and it is entirely possible to replicate the layout of all pages with the stock theme install.

Hope this helps ?

If you are a new webmaster you might like to check out our new tutorial, How to Create a Website, and our hosting reviews for popular hosts like Siteground and Bluehost.

Charlie has been building WordPress themes, reviewing web hosts and utilizing social media since their respective inceptions.

162 thoughts on “Attorney Theme

  1. Jeff Erskine says:

    Why does my website look like this? I’m using your theme. Please help

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Jeff, I can’t load your site right now so I can’t be sure what has happened (seems to be offline). I suspect that the theme wasn’t fully installed or something like that. In such cases the best bet is to delete the partially installed theme and reinstall from scratch.

    2. charles Charles says:

      I can access your site now and it seems to be working as expected.

      1. Jeff says:

        Why doesn’t it look like the template? I’m confused…

        1. charles Charles says:

          That’s because you havn’t set it up yet. Out of the box the theme displays all your latest posts on the home page like a traditional blog.

          Here’s a how-to on setting up the home page like the demo:

  2. How do you delete the search box on the main menu? I don’t need it and it takes up space where I could add page links. Thanks.

    1. Kris says:

      Download Simple Custom CSS WordPress plugin then go to Appearance -> Custom CSS and add this code, > ul{margin-right:0;}
      header[role="banner"] #searchform{display:none;}

  3. Taylor says:

    Words are getting cut off on the homepage how do I fix it

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Taylor, can you be more specific? Are you using the deault home page or one of the alternative home page templates with a slider? If the latter then the space for text on the slider is purposefully limited and changing that would require you make some template code changes.

  4. Bruce says:

    I can’t seem to scale/crop a downloaded shutterstock image to fit the slider. My image is of two women (mother/daughter) and is too tall (cuts across forehead) and half the image appears beneath the slider, cutting mom’s face in half. What are the appropriate aspect ratio and pixel settings?

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Bruce, crop your images for the slider to 945×300 and they should work pretty nicely. You can use a free tool like for doing this and it will also optimize the file size for the web too (direct download from Shutterstock is almost certainly going to be too big a file to load quickly. Hope that helps.

  5. Sarah says:

    Left you a question about changing the copyright. I finally got it to work in footer.php!

    I wanted to let you know before you had to deal with my question. You are very responsive!

    1. charles Charles says:

      Thanks Sarah, responding to all new comments was on the list of to-do’s today. Glad you got it working.

  6. Bruce says:

    I’m trying to use “Attorney” but what I get on activation is a blog page. I’d like to have a static first page that looks like yout theme samole pages, i.e. Info and three bottom panels. What am I missing?

    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Bruce, we cover the set up in the intro video above. There is also a how-to on setting up the home page here: – Hope that helps.

      1. Bruce Hafner says:

        Thanks for the info. Are the images shown in on the sample available? If so, I may have inadvertently deleted them, can they be recaptured?

        1. charles Charles says:

          Hi Bruce, sadly no. The images on the demo site are not bundled with the theme. They are all commercial images for which we have paid a license to use on the demo site. You can find more of the same for your own use at

  7. Scott says:

    How do I change the fonts for H1 through H6 and also for the body text and menu text?


    1. charles Charles says:

      Hi Scott, you’ll need to dive into the CSS and make your changes there. If you do this then you should be sure to set up the theme as a Child theme first so that any future updates don’t overwrite your local customizations. Alternatively you could install something like and add your custom CSS there.

      If you need help with the CSS I recommend Codeable.

    2. Kris says:

      Download Simple Custom CSS then go to Appearance -> Custom CSS and this code,

      @import url(;
      h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,body,p,a,.entry-meta, .category-archive-meta{font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif!important;}

      Note: You can choose fonts in Google Fonts and change this code, @import url(;

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