6 Facebook Tricks You Didn’t Know You Could Do

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There are many things that people do on Facebook, like, comment and share posts that they find interesting.

However, there are many hidden features of the social media platform that can help you take control of your newsfeed to get the most out of it.

Here are some Facebook tricks you didn’t know you could do.

The Ever-Changing Face of Facebook

Facebook is an extremely popular social media platform that has over 1.59 billion users and the number is constantly growing.

There are many things people use it for, like networking and sharing posts about their lives with friends and family. Many businesses also choose to promote themselves on Facebook by having a company page.

The popular social media site is always adding new features, but many of these are not entirely obvious.

Using a video downloader, for example, can be a great way to save videos that you want to watch later that appear on your newsfeed.

You can do that easily at  vdownloader.com/download-facebook-videos and enjoy all of your favorite videos later without any distractions. Plus, there are tools you can use that can help you manage your newsfeed and groups.

Here are 6 Facebook tricks you didn’t know you could do.

1. Use Bookmarklets to Save Posts on Your Newsfeed for Later

Bookmarklets are links that you can add to your bookmarks or favorites list on the browser you use that will perform a specific task when clicked.

One of the most popular things people do is share Facebook posts with others, which involves copying and pasting the link of the post into messages or emails.

But this can be extremely tedious, especially if there are many posts you want to share. However, you can easily cut down on this by using simple bookmarklets instead.

All you need to do is click on the bookmarklet in your bookmarks/favorites list, and it will automatically copy the link of the post you are pointing to.

This means that you only have to click on the bookmarklet once, then paste it into messages or emails as many times as necessary.

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To use a bookmarklet, simply click on the “share” button under any Facebook post, select “add bookmarklet” from your browser box, and select which one you want.

2. Find Exactly What You Are Looking for On Your Newsfeed

Sometimes it can be difficult to find posts that you really want to read on your Facebook newsfeed.

Luckily, this is an easy problem to solve thanks to the “filtered newsfeed” feature. To access this, simply click on the cog icon at the top of your screen beside the home icon and select “news feed settings.”

The filtered news feed allows you to control which types of updates appear on your page by selecting which ones you would like to see first.

For example, if you only want people who live nearby showing up in your feed, simply uncheck all other options except “close friends.”

You can also select which types of updates you want to appear in your newsfeed by checking or unchecking the boxes next to each category.

There are several options that range from special notifications, first stories to show up in the newsfeed, and general activity on your page.

3. Tag People Who Are Not Connected with You Yet

Many people use Facebook as a way to find old friends and acquaintances. This means that if you have an email address or number for someone, but are not connected on Facebook, you could tag them, so they will know it is you.

To do this, simply click inside any status update field (to the right of the “share” button) and type their name in the “tag friend” box.

Then click “save the tag.” This way, when they receive the update in their newsfeed, it will be obvious who tagged them in your post.


4. Open Facebook in Incognito Mode

There are several reasons why you might want to open Facebook in incognito mode when you log in to your account.

For example, if you are doing research for a school project or are looking for information about a person that is potentially embarrassing to share with other friends on your timeline, opening Facebook in private can help ensure that no one sees what you are doing because there will be no record of it afterward unless someone else took screenshots while you were logged in.

To open Facebook this way, click the “lock” icon at the top right of your screen beside the search bar and select “private browsing.”

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This will prevent any friends from seeing what you have been doing on Facebook during this session, which is perfect for those who want to keep their activity private.

5. Find out Who Has Unfriended You on Facebook

Sometimes, people feel that they have been victims of a social media faux pas when another person they know deletes them from their list of friends on Facebook. While most people expect a simple notification when a friend adds you as a friend, there are no notifications sent when someone deletes you as a friend. However, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible to find out who has unfriended you. To do this, simply click on the cog icon next to any friend’s name and select “view all” under their friends’ list. You will be able to see which of your friends have deleted you from their list in the top right corner of the box that appears below their profile pictures.

6. Create a Location-Based Facebook Event

Not only can you invite specific people to events using Facebook, but because people use mobile phones and GPS technology these days, it is also possible for anyone who has access to where an event is taking place (for example a public park or building) to join by simply tapping on the location button when they receive the invitation in their newsfeed instead of having to type in all the information.

To do this, simply click on “create an event” and use the location button to select a specific place for your event, such as a park or city hall.

Then enter additional details and choose when you want the event to start and end.

When an event has been created, there is also another option that can be used instead of sending someone else’s phone number in a private message with the password needed to get in (in case they don’t add it themselves). This is called Facebook RSVP.

There are many more Facebook tricks that can be performed by anyone who has an account with the social media site.

These 6 tricks are just some of the most useful and interesting ones to get started with; there is no limit to how you can use your Facebook account, so feel free to experiment even more!

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